When You Are Lacking Motivation……
A short few words from me today….
After a busy week, and a very late night, I’m not really feeling very motivated to write anything today but I can make time to put a few words together and I know that I’ll feel better if I do just that!
It doesn’t need to be much to still send an important message.
Instead of waiting for motivation to arrive it is far better to simply take some action isn’t it?
On those days when you’re feeling in a “I can’t be bothered” mood you have two choices…..do nothing and allow that mood to fester OR do something and then reassess your mood.
I can pretty well guarantee that if you choose the latter then your mood will elevate and your motivation will increase.
This can be applied to any life area whether that be riding, exercise, weeding the garden or getting on and tackling a task on your “to do” list.
Of course, there will be times when you do need to rest but actively choosing to rest is completely different to do nothing because you couldn’t be bothered!
So, there you are! I’ve written something to post and now I feel better and have time to go and walk the dog before heading off to ride after lunch.