Just Ask!
My natural tendency is to be quite independent and to get on and do things on my own. I’ve had to train myself to overcome this characteristic which, I think, comes from not wanting to bother people and, perhaps, from not wanting to be seen to “need help”.
However, I have worked on this and, these days, I am generally comfortable with asking questions and seeking help and support when I need it.
The benefits of asking have been clearly shown over the last couple of weeks. When our pony Luna died it meant that Gigha was on her own in the field without any company and she needed a friend. At first I thought it would be a huge challenge to find a suitable companion but by simply asking around I ended up with being able to choose from five different ponies and, in fact, finding the perfect horse who is a half sister to Gigha and who arrived today. As I write this the two ponies are getting to know each other, seem to be very relaxed and I can feel the smiles returning after the sadness of Luna’s passing.
It’s important to ask in all areas of life isn’t it?
If you have a riding issue or a concern to do with your horse what do you have to lose by asking for help? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!
When the person you ask isn’t able to help then you’ve lost nothing, you’re simply in the same position where you started. If that individual CAN help then you have everything to gain.
At times when you are learning a new skill and are struggling to grasp the details or to understand what you are trying to achieve then, again, JUST ASK! Being prepared to ask questions shows that you are willing to learn. If you don’t understand the answer then ask again, then if you still don’t get it you might like to consider asking a different person. You still haven’t lost anything by asking the initial question though have you?
Thinking back over the last few years to times when I have been learning and have asked questions the answers have always either helped or have pointed me in a different direction where I have then been able to get the information I’ve been seeking. When I have asked for help or wondered if someone might be interested in collaborating on a project then, again, the answers have either been an enthusiastic “YES!” or a “Nice idea but not for me at this time”.
I have never lost by asking! How about YOU?